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This website is no longer active since June 2016. No new posts will be created on it. The site will only function as an archive.

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The topics on the new site will not change, only the design and CMS backend are new.

Building a DIY Audio Power Amplifier

After some more or less failed attempts to design and build my own Amp on a solderless breadboard I decided to solder up a pre-made schematic this time.

The circuit is designed by Douglas Self:
I didn’t always follow the circuit exactly, especially regarding component values and the choice of transistors. Even so I have to say it doesn’t sound half bad.

Any distortion in the video comes from my mic not being set up properly – sorry about that.

Music used:
* Evening Star – Princess of the Sun
* Emily Jones – Wonderbolt (Piano)
* Aviators – The Fight Within (instrumental)
* [I think the next one was by Arktic Skies, not sure though]
* John Pan – Blown in the Wind (cover)

PS: I will probably continue this channel (CClassicVideos) entirely on English.

Update 13.04.2014

Gibt ein paar Neuigkeiten und Änderungen.


  • Mehr Zeit in den nächsten Wochen
    • VHDL/FPGA Einsteiger-Tutorials
  • Wohoo über 500 Abonnenten!! Danke!!!
  • Lust mit mir zu reden? Fügt mich in Skype, Google+ oder Twitter hinzu.
  • Webseite:
  • Zweiter Kanal wieder aktiv
    • Technik VLogs
    • Spontane Videos (ungeskripted)
    • Momentan v.A. Audioequipment
    • Vgl. Maxxarcade
  • eBay
    • Aktuell DBox2 und altes Server-Mainboard


  • Webseite:
  • Twitter:
  • Google+:
  • IRC:
  • eBay:

Die genannten YouTube-Kanäle:

  • CClassicVideos:
  • Maxxarcade: (yey more bronies!)
  • EEVBlog:

Compaq Armada 7400 Notebook

Ich hatte bei mir noch zwei alte Compaq Armada 7400 Notebooks rumliegen. In diesen Videos zerlege ich das eine davon komplett und verwende die Teile um das andere wieder mehr oder weniger vollständig herzustellen.


[eBay] Soundcraft GE-206 Equalizer Reparatur

Wieder ein Päckchen von eBay, und zwar der im letzten Video versprochene Equalizer von Soundcraft. Diesmal hat das Gerät technisch und mechanisch so manche Macken, das sollte für mich doch aber kein Problem sein, oder?

[eBay] Universum Equalizer

Hab auf eBay für 1€+5,60€ Versand einen alten Equalizer erworben. Hier eine Vorstellung des Geräts und ein Blick ins Innere.

Bypassing the Boot-Lock on my ThinkPad

– OR: How I used a floppy disk to pwn a security system –

I recently got a Lenovo ThinkPad T430 from my employer. My first thought after I saw that it was running Windows XP was “Can I make it run Linux?”. Luckily we weren’t forbidden to boot another OS than the stock one on it. Admittedly, they didn’t explicitly allow us to do it either. To be accurate, they didn’t say a single thing on what we are supposed to do with these computers. So I can’t be wrong if I don’t change anything on the system, can I?

Anyways, to the fun part! Officially, the notebook has two Windows-systems on it. One for use in the company and one for “private” use. The BIOS is password protected and booting from any device other than the internal hard drive has been disabled. Since I am definitely not allowed to modify the hardware on this computer, I didn’t even start thinking about swapping the hard drive or similar things. Instead, I focused on the software. One thing immediately caught my eye, they are using a program called “eXtended FDisk” to select the OS on boot.

The used bootmanager: eXtended FDisk

The used bootmanager: eXtended FDisk

Apart from the fact that this is a beta version, I noticed the little text on the bottom saying “F1/F2: Disk A:”. Sounds like we might be able to boot using a Floppy, and sure we are. So I grabbed my USB floppy drive and one of my old DOS disks and threw it in. A few seconds later I had MS-DOS running on my laptop. Quickly I remembered that running MS-DOS on that machine wasn’t my goal and I continued pursuing my actual target. Since booting Linux from a floppy disk (if even possible) isn’t much fun, I somehow needed to boot an OS from a drive other than A. For the time being, I went the obvious path and used that I am able to execute code using a floppy disk. This code may also be another bootloader. After a few tries, I settled with Plop (plpbt).

I plugged in my USB flash drive with Ubuntu Linux on it, inserted the Plop-disk into my FDD and restarted the computer. And there it was: A boot option for the flash drive.

Plop Bootmanager

Plop Bootmanager

For some reason, I was getting a blank screen when trying to boot the MBR of my flash drive using Plop. However, this can be circumvented by pressing “q” in the main menu and selecting the partition manually. In my case it was HDB Partition 2.

HDD/Partition selector

Just select the correct drive and partition…

Just ignore the warning regarding that the bootsector is the MBR if it appears and press “Y” (or “Z” in case you have German keyboard layout).

Ignore the warning

Simply ignore the warning and press Y.

Shortly after and to conclude the exercise for now, I had this on my screen:

Finally got Linux to boot!

Finally got Linux to boot!

Final thoughts
I successfully completed what I wanted to do. It might be a bit convoluted and having to use a floppy disk isn’t the fastest and quietest way to boot a computer, but for using this machine at home, it’s all right.

However, this security hole did not have to be in the system since eXtended FDisk supports password protection for the boot-from-floppy option. Also, as a infosec person, I would never recommend deploying software in beta status on “production devices”. Maybe they just thought “Ah, who even has floppy drives these days?! We don’t need to care about this!”

One path which I did not pursue at all is trying to reconfigure eXtended FDisk. This should also be possible and we would not need a floppy drive at all. The sweet thing about the FDD-solution is that it can not be traced at all whereas the other solutions require changes to the installed system.

Vivanco MX 730 EQ Mischpult von eBay

Hab am selben Tag an dem ich das Hama-Mischpult ersteigert habe noch ein weiteres Mischpult von Vivanco bei eBay gekauft. Dieses hat mich 3,63€ + 7€ Versand gekostet, ist aber wesentlich umfangreicher als das Hama Mischpult.

Auch dieses funktionierte nicht von Anfang an und in diesem Video seht ihr wie ich den Fehler suche und (wenn auch nicht wirklich professionell^^) behebe. Aber auch diese Pfusch-Lösung funktioniert bis heute, auch wenn man den Masterfader gelegentlich benutzt.

Schneider 6041A Verstärker von eBay

Wieder ein Gerät von eBay, das nur halbwegs funktionierte und bei dem ihr mir beim Troubleshooting zuschauen könnt. Viel Spaß!

Eine kleine Infoseite zum Verstärker: Schneider 6041A Amplifier

Hama SM-100 Mischpult von eBay (Teil 1)

Ich habe für 1€ + 5,90€ Versand ein Mischpult auf eBay ersteigert. Offiziell funktionsfähig, nur ein Faderknopf fehlt. Letzten Endes hatte es doch einen Fehler, aber schaut selbst.